
June 9, 2020

Dan Ucci

My sculptures are a result of living with stone on a daily basis. I walk on them in my dooryard, toss them down at the water, […]
June 9, 2020

Isabel Catherine Kelley

Based out of Windham, Maine, Isabel Catherine Kelley has been practicing sculpture for severalyears. After receiving her BFA in Sculpture and Minor in Art History from […]
June 9, 2020

Andreas von Huene

I create art that comes alive and engages my audience through overlapping levels of imagination. My joy is in developing the character and vitality of each […]
June 9, 2020

Mark Herrington

 I am a self taught artist. Growing up in Maine as an outdoorsmen I found myself being inspired by the glacial erratics that are ubiquitous In the […]
June 9, 2020

Jon Doody

“I work in reclaimed materials whenever possible.  I explain my art as being the continuation of the story of the piece that I have worked.  The […]
June 9, 2020

Sam Finkelstein

I enjoy the mentally and physically intensive process of carving and shaping my pieces to exude a rhythmic motion, balance and harmony in the final composition. The challenge is to capture that special spirit and emotion which each sculpture possesses.