My sculptures are a result of living with stone on a daily basis. I walk on them in my dooryard, toss them down at the water, run over them with the lawn mower and look at many sizes of them at my studio. From the smallest of pebbles to the largest blocks, stone intrigues me.
Stone takes on many “lives” of its own. One stone can be many things at once. It can be soft and forgiving or it can be hard and stubborn. The natural texture shows one life and by removing portions, changing the texture by polishing, hammering or by adding other materials and using other techniques, I give the stone a new and different life.
As the sculpture changes and “grows”, so do I. This process of experimenting and discovery not only by myself, but with the collaboration and mentorship of others has created for me, a dynamic that has sustained me for many years and will continue for many more.